Sunday, June 7, 2009

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer’s

Dear Stephanie Meyer,

Twilight has been the most popular book out in the public eyes so I had to read it to see what all the fuss is about. In a violent way I fell in love with it so much that I had to read all the books that followed it. I even read on when some of my friends would make fun of me. Most of the time books series are good for only the first book for me, but after reading the Twilight series I felt that I should give a lot of the other series a new start to see if I can read them. Overall your books have shown me that I should give all books a chance no matter what the popularity is or the femininity in its pages.

Also Twilight has portrayed a message to me personally about anything that is overwhelmingly different then what I am, or aware of, and used to. In society people will stay in places and situations that are very comfortable,and easy to them and this book has spoken a word of encouragement to me about getting out of my comfort zone to experience life, love, fun, and even sacrifice. I think that this book has the most emotionally engaging ideas that I have ever read that just by reading it I have come out of the comfort zone of my Sisyphean life to experience raw emotions of love that you has painted in the story.

Lastly, Twilight has shown me to try my hardest to withdrawal from judging anything ever. With this said I think that this book has had an effect on teens everywhere about the same thing and I think that it judging something in a state of total ignorance is criminal, immoral and just plain out hurtful. I am glad that I have read this because of the issues that have been HIGHLIGHTED to me in its passages about my confidence and on passing judgment. Honestly, I loved all of the series and hope to see more great books from you Stephanie Meyer in the future.


Thomas Christian Idzinski

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