Monday, June 8, 2009

Dear,Harper Lee

Well first of all i think the book you wrote was greate ,I really like how you put the thoughts of Scout. That really made the book more intresting and understandable, but what i like about the book the most it really changed my mind of how to view life. I saw the points of view of many people, and how just a little thing could hurt a persons life .Something that was stuck in my head the whole time is how people think they are doing the right thing but truly they arnt. Also how racism was really bad even though colored people wernt slaves. Befor i read the book i didnt really care about racism but through the problems i saw colored people went through in the book; i kinda really started caring because i saw how innocent people where convicted and called guilty just because the color of their skin. Which i really think that was unfair; I also saw how people are very evil how their actions are just ment to hurt sombody. Also how people around know whats happening and they dont do anything. Through the booke i also learned to get in sombody shoes before you say anything about them or judge them. Also how even though there is alott of bad people in this world their still a few that are very good; and always try to be good becuse when you are bad you never know if the bad thing you did to that person is going to happen to you. So all i want to say is that the book you wrote was a really inspiri booke and that it doesnt only teach me i know theirs alott of more people out their who learn something.


Edgar gomez

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