Monday, June 15, 2009

Christian Hill's It's Not About the Bike (Theodore C.)

Dear Christian Hill,

Why was Lance Armstrong your inspiration to write about? I believe I understand why, because of the accomplishment and optical have went through. The time he could have quit and make reasonable excesses he decided not to. The legacy he have made and set are still continuing on to this day. Making a statement and staying truthful to it and to the world is a huge responsibility.

He left nothing behind and never looked back. The drive, rode, and ride that he took was tremendous but his not done just yet. The inspirationally rider gave people plus patients hope and a up lifting in their heart. He won awards that show what impact he had and I think that’s why you picked this book to write. The book came out wonderful I enjoyed reading the book it really showed what one man can do to change the mind of people he don’t even know.

I’m looking forward of reading your books cause I know if its anything like this one then you have outstanding talent. I hope this letter inspire you to write a new book on another person that can also show me a new or different side of them. My favorite part was when he was diagnosed with cancer on 10/2 and he said “this is not the end for me I’m not going out like this”. That showed me that you can control the way you leave but in the mean time you should make the best of it by doing the things people will remember you by or what you want to leave behind. Later on in life I want to write my own book showing ways how I can make a impact and showing that my life is filed with inspiration. Thank you very much love to read more.

Sincerely, love Theodore Chambers

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