Monday, June 8, 2009

A Bestfriend

Dear, Sarah Dessen
After reading this book titled "Someone Like You". It has made me realize that by not letting my friends down I will recieve the same. Everyone needs a close friend that you can tell anything to and be there whenever you need them. I like this book because it shows how two bestfriends would never leave eachother no matter what. Halley and Scarlett are the two bestfriends that would do anything for eachother and stay by eachothers side. They are quite different from eachother, Halley is the more quiet one and Scarlett is the more braver and outgoing one. When things get rough in there lives they both have eachother to give good advice to. For example , Scarletts boyfriend dies and she finds out a week later that she is pregnant from the boyfriend that just died so Halley is helping Scarlett with everything because she wouldn't let her bestfriend down. In my own experience I had many family and boyfriend problems but at the end of the day my bestfriend would always make me happy. I would recommand alot of people reading this because they can get good advice from it and it shows how a bestfriend would always be there through thick and thin. From my point of view this book made me change the way I treat my close friends and how i should hold onto my closet friends because you can always count on them to be there for everything. If any of my closetest friends needed anything I would be there anything for them and support them.

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