Monday, June 8, 2009

To Kill A Mocking Bird

Dear Harper Lee,
Well first of all i think the book you wrote was great ,I really like how Jem was portryaed in the book. That really made the book more interesting , but what i like about the book is that it has so much to do with real life. Or how some of the people where so ignorant that they hated Hitler for what he was doing but in real life there where duing the same thing to black people. The way they treated Tom Robinson made me mad beacuse even though they new Bob Ewell raped his own daughter the still sentence him to prison or the fact that he was shot 17 times when it only takes at most one shot to stop a man from breaking out.

Or how Bob Ewell harrased every person who tried to help Tom like attacis and Toms wife, or the judge and even tried to kill Jem and Scout. It also taught me how life for colored people were like and how the suffered even though there was no slavery.

In conclusion it was a nice book to read even though the book is boring intil the second part but in all it was a very good book.

Sincerly, Malcolm Finney

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