Sunday, June 7, 2009

Slaughter House Five - Kurt Vonnegut

Dear Kurt Vonnegut,

Where did you get your ideas for the aliens and obscure war heroes who make this book so interesting? What compelled me to read Slaughter House Five is your title it just had this feeling of an intense war story but, much to my surprise it was not. Even though it was not the war story I was expecting, I liked the humor and wild perception of time throughout the book. Your novel changed my perception of time, and how senseless war is.

Your book changed my perception of time; from past, present, and future in our lives being nonrecurring events to, any moment in time being able to be revisited whenever. It might seem that our lives are just moving forward with no intention of looking back but, you influenced me to think that in some instances we may be able to revisit any milestones in our lives. Along with time this novel has changed my views on war. The Description of the bombing of Dresden, and how it killed many innocent people made me think of how senseless and unlawful war is. This made me think how the views of few affected so many in a negative way. Also the soldiers you described that where in the war really made me question how effective the selection and acceptance of soldiers were during that time period.

Slaughter House Five changed my perception of time, and my views on war. This novel not only influenced my thoughts of time but also my views and thoughts of after life which was a little sketchy for me. I enjoyed reading your obscure novel which was very thought provoking. This novel left me with humor and wonder, and I hope that these are the same thoughts that others have had about your fantastic book.

Justin Northern

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