Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Promise Kept by Perry Sky, Jr. (Bree L.)

Dear Perry Skky Jr.,

At first, your book, “Promise Kept”, began with a bet with my little sister, the bet was who ever could finish the book first gets treated for lunch. Both getting a book from your series we started, me not knowing the book I got was the most interesting, it was hard for me to keep my eyes off of it. “Promise Kept” was easy to relate with, the characters in the book were mostly around seniors or first year college students, and their obstacles. Sometimes it’s struggle to walk in the right path or do the right things, but you showed me that in God anything is possible, just do not take life for advantage have fun, but do the right things.

As we always hear, peer pressure is always happening in and around school; it makes it hard for teens to do the right things. Hanging out with friends is always fun, but could end with consequences. Like for an example, when Saxon (character from your book) went to a club in Florida with his football team, they ended up fighting in the club ending with his best friend in a coma. Through prayer he finally got better, but at the end still dieing as a solider. Leaving him with the theme not to take life for granted.

As I lost the bet, I gained the different view of life, always have fun, but do not take your life for granted; you never know what’s going happen next.


Bree Laguana

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