Monday, June 8, 2009

November Blues by Sharon M. Draper (Ariana S.)

Dear Draper,

I truly enjoyed your book. It gave me an insight and a different perspective of teenage pregnancy. Watching how over time November’s life changed, and the struggles she went through kept me interested in your book. Even though I have chosen to wait till marriage, some girls like November have sex just because they think they love someone and finding out later, they don’t. A lot of young teenage girls go through what November went through. Some, smart straight A students that have their hole life planned out and make the mistake of having sex. They watch their hole lives disappear right before their eyes, just like November. I like how you made November the popular girl with the perfect life in the beginning, and slowly it changed. Her boyfriend dies, and she finds out she has been accepted to her choice of school. Her mother is proud and thinks her daughter has made it though high school not making the same mistake that she had, unfortunately her life crashed when she finds out that November had gotten pregnant. You showed how people changed towards her over time, how she began to make friends and associate herself with certain people that she would have never talked to before she was pregnant.

Being the reader, I saw the difference in the way her mother started to treat her, and how their relationship changed. I could tell that her mother was ashamed and disappointed. November, like most teenage girls wasn’t ready or mature enough for a baby. You showed the transformation, in November. In the beginning she didn’t have a clue on how much it cost to have a baby and how her life was over. She didn’t seem to care about what she ate, or how or who was going to take care of the baby. She thought her mother would do all the hard work. Along the way you showed the transformation in November she matured and became an adult, it was forced upon her, she was becoming a mother.

Im not a big reader and I don’t usually take books with me places to read, but with this book I couldn’t seem to put it down. I think the reason why I liked it so much was because it was real, and it related to not just pregnant teens but to other girls as well. I think that if this book was placed in the rite hands it could make an impact on a lot of teenage girls, and their lives.


Ariana Scott

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