Monday, June 8, 2009

CHOKE. Chuck Palahniuk (Hilary Z)

Dear Chuck Palahniuk,

I have read your book Choke for school not out of punishment or by force, but out of willingness. I have always admired your freedom and style of your writing. Also, your dark humor keeps your books alive. I think I relate so much to your books because of the characters, (not that I am a sex addict or enjoy being bitten by various animals) the character in Choke, Victor is somewhat like me because we both have addictions (like everyone else in the world) and I think I am extremely doubtful and just pessimistic. Your books always keep me alarmed and I also wonder how you design such dark characters such as Victor Mancini. Who is one, a sex addict and two, believes he is the second coming of Jesus. This book has really changed my views on belief, not just Christianity or Catholicism but in anything. I also liked the relationship Victor and his mother shared it was definitely not normal. No matter how bizarre I still noticed the mother and son love that they shared.

I have once been a "Jesus Freak" but as I grew and when I was alone I would be doubtful. This book did not stray me away from religion (I was long gone already) but noticed that anything that is completely unbelievable can be true to your self if you have enough faith on anything. Because in Choke, once Victor went back into reality and found out he wasn’t a miracle worker, I think I saw that he could quit his wrong doings in the end is he just had faith that he could.

I also admired how a man can think he is so heartless and yet still visit and wait at his mothers bedside and on top of that she doesn’t even know who he is anymore (I laughed a little, dark humor?)! All his mother did was love him and I know he deeply cared for her too, even though Victor practically drowned her to death through pudding.

When I go the library or Barnes& Noble I usually go straight to your section, because I know your books will never disappoint.

Hilary Zaporteza

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