Monday, June 8, 2009

Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn (Cory M.)

Dear, Mark Twain

Your book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" has inspired me and others around the world, that friendship is a bond between two people no matter what the consequences may be. It dose not matter what skin color someone is because good friends stick together no matter what.

When Huck risk every thing to save Jim after they get caught trying to join the circus and perform for people until they get to the north. Where then Jim when was tied up to a chair in a little shack but Huck got the keys to unlock him. Shows how nothing can stop their bond that they have for each other. Then when they both were running Huck was able to lie right into the sheriff’s face and got away with it. It shows everyone that if you believe its not fair then stick by it just what Huck did. Also how Jim was able to trust Huck and help him get to the north so that he would not become a slave anymore. Mark this is one of my favorite books and also one of the few I’ve actually read all the way. The books that I usually read all the way are what we read in class.

I would recommend this book to other people to read. Especially if you like books that are involved with slavery and how mess up other people are to other people. Mark I wish you were still alive so you can write more books that are good to read.


Cory Mathis

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