Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee (Davion C.)

Dear, Lee

I enjoyed your book, and even though slavery was over before the 1930's. Racism was still a big problem in the south; for your book it was in Maycomb county. This book really exemplified how black people were treated back in then unfairly, and unjustly. For example in your book, you wrote about how evidence protecting Tom Robinson showed, that he didnt rape nor, hit didn'tla Ewell. He wasMadellaconvicted for rape although he was a good man, and did nothing but help her for free.Under her lies, and the peoples ignorance in Maycomb he was sentenced to prison and shot when trying to escape. Even though I joke around with rasicm jokes, I now haveracismsympathy towards how they would have affected older members of my race. The way my generation uses the “N” word loosely I now have more resentment from this word from reading your book. Now I understand what my Grandparents had went through when they were young. Now I have decided to change the way I talk and think. By your teachings I have also decided to tell others of what ive read mainly younger membersIve my family and when im older my children as well. AI'm try to be as influential as Atticus was when he cared for his children and taught them the right way of people. Mainly this quote “You cant judge a man by his looks until youve walked around in his skin anyou'vees”. Thank you Harper Lee for giving me this insight on the past world.


Davion Creighton

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