Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Terry Spenser Hesser's Kissing Doorknobs (Melissa G.)

Dear Terry Spenser Hesser,

While reading Kissing Doorknobs, I began to feel much sympathy for Tara. I couldn’t even imagine living my life having to do things over and over again, like counting the cracks on the floor, or having to kiss the doorknobs with all five fingers perfectly, to and from school and not know what was wrong with me at such an early age. Tara had to be my favorite characters in the book. She was so strong, intelligent and witty. She stayed strong even when her OCD slowly affected her friends and family. She had so many questions and so did I. As a reader without obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) it was enlighting to know what victims of this disease have to go through on a daily basis. I had to say this book brought many emotions to my face, I wanted to cry, laugh, I was angry, and I was really interested on how you would bring humor into this book because OCD is such a serious subject and condition. Being educated about the obsessive-compulsive disorder at the end of the book with the side notes was complete genius. I was really glad that Tara was rightfully diagnosed with OCD because as she was frightened for her well being, so was I. When I finished the with the novel I looked at the cover once more and at first when I purchased the novel, the cover and the title had little relevance to me, but at the end it was crystal clear of what it all meant.
The book was a treat to read and I hope to read more of your books thank you.

-Melissa Garcia

Kimani Tru's 16 Isn't Always Sweet (by Keyonie W.)

Dear Kimani Tru,

16 Isn't Always Sweet is a great book.. This book hasn't really changed my life, but it makes me look at life in a different way. Like for example, my birthday is coming up and I'm turning 16 I'm looking forward to it but I'm not in a rush to grow up you get to be a kid for 18 years then the rest of your life your an adult.

Kimani your book just tells how the real teenage world is. Girls getting jealous of each other. Girls making up rumors or talking behind each others back, and
girls taking there best friends ex-boyfriend.

All I have to say is this book was good. I know you have more books and
I'm looking forward to reading them. By the way I'm starting on another one.

Keyonie Wrenn

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lynsay Sands' Vampires are Forever (by Bridgett G.)

Dear Lynsay Sands,

Fantasies are fascinating to many people in many ways from unicorns to fly monkeys and even talking dogs but some people make them seem so real as if fantasy was just a way of life. You have inspired me to read your entire books even if there about vampires but some how to me there real. All your books have been funny, witty, and even sexy, but thanks to your books, I have been able to be more into reading rather than just doing anything.

For example in you story Vampires are Forever. Both main characters overcome anything that gets in there way of love even if it means fighting for the love of a mortal and immortal. I learned that there are always going to be obstacles in life but if you manage to get through them, you will learn that the love you have for the other person can be stronger and fight anything or anyone in the way. Also that you can fall in love with anyone no matter what he/she is, race, color, or even way of being.

As you can see you have opened a new way of looking at books and like the quote says “Never judge a book by its cover”, and this is so true they can also help anyone learn a lesson or open there minds to find a different world out there. I thank you Lynsay for writing your books, which by the way are extraordinary, and I recommend anyone to read one of your novels.


Bridgett Gaxiola

Christian Hill's It's Not About the Bike (Theodore C.)

Dear Christian Hill,

Why was Lance Armstrong your inspiration to write about? I believe I understand why, because of the accomplishment and optical have went through. The time he could have quit and make reasonable excesses he decided not to. The legacy he have made and set are still continuing on to this day. Making a statement and staying truthful to it and to the world is a huge responsibility.

He left nothing behind and never looked back. The drive, rode, and ride that he took was tremendous but his not done just yet. The inspirationally rider gave people plus patients hope and a up lifting in their heart. He won awards that show what impact he had and I think that’s why you picked this book to write. The book came out wonderful I enjoyed reading the book it really showed what one man can do to change the mind of people he don’t even know.

I’m looking forward of reading your books cause I know if its anything like this one then you have outstanding talent. I hope this letter inspire you to write a new book on another person that can also show me a new or different side of them. My favorite part was when he was diagnosed with cancer on 10/2 and he said “this is not the end for me I’m not going out like this”. That showed me that you can control the way you leave but in the mean time you should make the best of it by doing the things people will remember you by or what you want to leave behind. Later on in life I want to write my own book showing ways how I can make a impact and showing that my life is filed with inspiration. Thank you very much love to read more.

Sincerely, love Theodore Chambers

Friday, June 12, 2009

Karen Miller's The Innocent Mage (Sydney S.)

Dear Karen Miller,

Reading the book, “The Innocent Mage,” reminded me and taught me very important things in life. For example, in the novel it talked about Asher (main character), an ordinary fisherman with a somewhat decent life, who wanted to fulfill his dream of spending time with his father fishing with a nice boat living in luxury. This to me is like having a career where you have a decent salary but then you’re not pleased with your job. As I have learned, you should live your life with whatever makes you happy rather than something you are not pleased with.

There came some moments in the novel, specifically in the beginning of Asher’s journey where many townspeople prejudged and underestimated him. This important lesson reminded me that you should never judge someone before you get to know them. Keeping this in mind helped me to realize that I can meet new people out there in the world instead of judging them first and become an even better person than I was before.

After reading the novel, it helped improve my view of life as a place to meet new people and enjoy what you do in it.


Sydney Solomon

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Promise Kept by Perry Sky, Jr. (Bree L.)

Dear Perry Skky Jr.,

At first, your book, “Promise Kept”, began with a bet with my little sister, the bet was who ever could finish the book first gets treated for lunch. Both getting a book from your series we started, me not knowing the book I got was the most interesting, it was hard for me to keep my eyes off of it. “Promise Kept” was easy to relate with, the characters in the book were mostly around seniors or first year college students, and their obstacles. Sometimes it’s struggle to walk in the right path or do the right things, but you showed me that in God anything is possible, just do not take life for advantage have fun, but do the right things.

As we always hear, peer pressure is always happening in and around school; it makes it hard for teens to do the right things. Hanging out with friends is always fun, but could end with consequences. Like for an example, when Saxon (character from your book) went to a club in Florida with his football team, they ended up fighting in the club ending with his best friend in a coma. Through prayer he finally got better, but at the end still dieing as a solider. Leaving him with the theme not to take life for granted.

As I lost the bet, I gained the different view of life, always have fun, but do not take your life for granted; you never know what’s going happen next.


Bree Laguana

Steven King's The Shining (Nikolas H.)

Dear Mr. King,

Your book, The Shining, has made me think about life differently. Even though this was basically a scary story, the character’s reaction to everything inside the hotel and how they lived their lives before they went inside the hotel really intrigued me. I wish I was with the family through everything that they went through, but reading it gave me the same feelings that they felt. The feeling of being brave, having the love of relatives and living life to the fullest has increased in me so much and changed my way of thinking about everything.

At the beginning of the story, I started to feel sympathy for how the main character’s son’s condition, since he was handicapped. However, he still loved his parents for everything that they have done for him, which makes me proud of my parents for everything that they did for me. I felt more sympathy for the son since he was the only person that felt and could see the ghosts that was haunting the hotel that the main character, the father and husband, was working at. I cannot feel the way that the son felt when he was seeing all of this, but I do know how it feels to see and feel things that most people would never be able to see. This is also what the son and I have in common: even though we were scared out of our minds when we saw what we saw, we still stayed strong through it all and made people believe. The main character, his wife and his son did not live the “perfect life”, so they still went through the things that they lived through, such as the father and mother not talking to each other and their son being handicapped. They still lived life to the fullest even after they got out of the hotel, which inspired me to do the same through everything that I go through, good or bad.

My way of thinking about life has changed differently throughout the whole story from start to finish. I was really interested in how they lived their lives through all of the things that happened before and after the family got into the haunted hotel. I really felt the reactions that the family felt went they were in the hotel and I knew how it felt in their position, but not in their way. The feelings of being brave, love for my relatives and living life to the fullest changed the way that I think about everything and increased my way of thinking about life in a major way.


Nikolas Hambrick